NuSense by Kongress

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NuSense by Kongress is inspired by events in Ukraine perpetrated by the man who "needs to be Put-in" his place-Video Premiered 4/2/22 on Youtube @ CC (Closed Captions) tell the story-sirens alert y

NuSense by Kongress is inspired by events in Ukraine perpetrated by the man who "needs to be Put-in" his place-Video Premiered 4/2/22 on Youtube @ CC (Closed Captions) tell the story-sirens alert you for bombs that drop in the lyrics-written on 3/6/22 Released on Tik Tok's new SoundOn Distribution Service Worldwide on 4/15/22! You can get a shortened Free download audio file (minus the air-raid siren intro) @
I am, Otto von Ruggins
FLASH - Just received 4/13/22, first review of NuSense by Kongress - Turn Up The Volume Blog wrote the following descriptive gems, "Daily electricity to load your batteries...The musical project of 60s survivor Otto von Ruggins - An experimental, New York based act being around for light-years, mixing Space-Goth-Tribal-New-Wave rock and other me(n)tal bangs...Think legendary eccentrics Devo fooling around with avant-garde freaks The ResidentsKongress has a new merciless sledgehammer out called NuSense...The message is loud and clear... F#@K PUTIN!" Linked @
Kindly email any review links or copies of reviews to
You're such a nuisance
One man shouldn't have such power
To eliminate the Protest Dance
But you grow weaker by the hour
You should be squashed like a bug
You're such a thug
You need a mug shot
And a place to burn where it's hot
When the good is gone
The bad carry on
You need to be Put in your place
It's what you're going to face
No more oil to sell
Can't get your rubles?
It's going to be a dry spell
Not the worst of your troubles
When they nail you to the upside down Cross
That'll show who's your Boss
Then they'll drag you through the street
After the Russian forces retreat
You are KGB
But even your people want to live Free
This is how it's going to end
You'll be the man without a friend
40 miles of bad road
That convoy was a mindless plan
Your lies about the War will finally be showed
In your own country, they call you a Mad Man
You won't  be  given a grave
Your bones will lie in a cave
"He was 5'6" (but claimed to be 7)"
"The Devil told him he was too short for Heaven!"
When History tells this story of yours
About the sicko who planned to use nukes in wars
What finally causes your comeuppance
Will be the World coming to a New Sense
The oligarchs want their money back
The prisons will set their 'criminals' Free
Not even Russians approve of your act
You're just a blight in History 
Words Musick by
Otto von Ruggins
© March 6, 2022